I’m Nisha and Beyond the Treadmill is about my journey from making a living to making a life.
I’ve always been a hustler. Unrelenting pursuit of goals and constant discontentment with where I was in my life characterized most of my 20s. I had a busy life that seemed to revolve around work and for the longest time I didn’t question that fact. My job was demanding and I had worked hard for it. Isn’t this what adulthood was about?
Sometime in the months leading up to my 30th birthday, I started to ask myself the big questions:
Is this all there is?
Where am I going?
Will I be happy when I get there?
Am I the person I want to be?
The questions I had always run away from because I knew that once I started to think about them my carefully arranged world would crumble a bit at a time.
And crumble it did.
What started off as a year of “corporate detox” made way for a new reality. In embracing stillness, I began to find out who I really was. Among other life altering realizations, I found that constant hustling has been my lifelong excuse to escape my feelings and emotions, that creativity was my calling and that my life was incomplete without connection.
I would be remiss not to mention an important part of my story – ADHD. I was first diagnosed with ADHD at age 29. It’s been a part of me that I have hesitated to share with the world before but I’ve now come to own it as a piece of my story. Learning about the disorder, finding empathy through community and reflections in therapy have played a large role in bringing me to this place. To learn more about my ADHD story, check out my interview on the ADHD reWired Podcast.
Beyond the Treadmill is a record of my efforts at unlearning everything I knew to be life as an adult. Making a living is an important and essential part of our lives but some of us went off the deep end and made it the center of our existence. I no longer believe this has to be the case and I hope to continue to unlearn on this path.
An important disclaimer: Beyond the Treadmill is about *my* journey from making a living to making a life. I don’t ever mean to be prescriptive or pedantic. There is no right or wrong way to experience a fuller life. My goal with this blog is first and foremost creative self-expression and secondly, a hope that my story will make someone who can relate, feel less alone.
If you want to get in touch with me please leave me a message below, I’d love to hear from you!
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so far so good! looking forward for more of your wonderful experiences 🙂
Thanks Sapna! 🙂
Aaand I’ve found another one! 🙂 So many of us seem to be quitting or taking a break right now. A break from IT is ah-may-zingg! There’s just SO much you can do right now! I’m glad you’re blogging 🙂 Wishing you the happiest, most fruitful break, Nisha!
Hello there! Thanks for commenting and following my humble blog! You’re right … there are many people taking this big decision to take a break from corporate ladder climbing. Its been 4 months since I quit and I don’t even recognize myself anymore. I look forward to reading about your break!
Glad to have found you and your blog 😉
Thanks Dee! I’m so glad we met too!